Eyes and Ears of Autism

Our goal is to bridge the divide between typically developing(TD) cultures and the culture of people diagnosed with Austism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) through the use of virtual reality.

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We want to bridge the divide between different cultures by placing people from one culture into the perspective of the other. Specifically, we will focus on placing typically developing (TD) individuals without autism into the perspective of an individual with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) so they can better empathize and understand what it is like to have ASD.

There are many people who have friends and family who have ASD, and it is often difficult for them to form strong and meaningful relationships. The ability to experience the physical perspective of a person with autism will enhance one’s ability to build connections with that person by creating a stronger sense of empathy and understanding.

A virtual reality simulation is the most immersive medium for a TD individual to experience the point of view of a person with ASD. These experiences can facilitate more appropriate interactions between these two cultures.


IRB Approval

We recieved IRB approval!

March 2017

Focus Groups

We conducted focus groups interviewing people with ASD to gain insight into how certain stimuli effect them. If you are an individual diagnosed with ASD and are interested in being involved in this process please see the "Get Involved" section below or email autismvr@umd.edu

We would also like to give a special thanks to the UMD Computer Science for funding this portion of our research.

Fall/Winter 2017

Data Analysis and Simulation Planning

After we have gathered data from the focus groups we will need to analyze it and determine the optimal environment to create for a virtual reality simulation.

Spring 2018

Begin Development

We will then begin development on the environment which will allow typically devloping individuals to experience environments with altered stimuli mimicing the difference of perception between the two cultures.

Fall 2018

Get Involved

Focus Groups

Interested in participating in our focus groups? We are seeking individuals who have been clinically diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome. Participants must also be verbal and between the ages of 18-35. For more information email us at autismvr@umd.edu or fill out this form.

Virtual Reality Particpant

We will also need people to test our virtual reality appliaction. Our applicaiton is still in development but if your inteseted in participating in testing once it is finished you can express interest here.


Dr. Elizabeth Redcay
  • Associate Professor of Psychology
Katherine Dow-Burger
  • Associate Clinical Professor of the Hearing and Speech Sciences
Lucien Parsons
  • Director of the Mixed/Augmented/Virtual Reality Innovation Center
Harrison Linowes
  • Senior Computer Science Major
Harry Wandersman
  • Senior Computer Engineering Major
Amitai Cohen
  • Senior Mechanical Engineering Major
Chris Castellano
  • Graduate with degrees in Computer Science and Psychology


Email us at autismvr@umd.edu.